Wednesday 17 March 2010

Front Cover Final

Contents Final

Contents Photos

Contents Ideas

I saw this advert in Vice for THESUSOPROJECT, and I thought I would try some thing similar for my contents page. I plan to use a vinyl a tape and iPod for music and a script and video tape for films and sports equipment for sport etc. I will take photos on a white back and then use Photoshop to put them all together.

Front Cover Design 2

I have now chosen a Type Face called ‘Kremlin Minister Black 3D’ for my masthead. I have decided to repeat the title, in two colours. I chose to do this because I had to front cover images that are a little bit different, so I wanted the logo to reflect this too. Just under my masthead is the fictional website address of the magazine, I used the typeface ‘Kremlin Kommisar’ for the website text and the rest of the text on the cover apart from the word FREE which is in Arial Black. I chose to use a different typeface for the word FREE because I did not like the Capital E for the typeface ‘Kremlin Kommisar’ I found a bar code to use for the front cover which will be placed towards the bottom of the cover. I now have both my original photo and my illustration facing each other, as if they are in shock at seeing each other. For my cover lines have used a very similar style to that of the journal, and the items mentioned on the front will be featured on the contents pages.

Front Cover Design – Masthead/Title

Front Cover Cartoon